Tuesday, June 20, 2006

must there be a title for every entry?

i just realised that the post on the bangkok trip has some sentences mixed up. part of a sentence went to the previous paragraph. so embarrassing.

oh! i have forgotten to mention that bran and i visited the cockpit after we landed. the pilots and head stewardess were very nice to let us take a look. and the first thing the pilot said when he met us was, "sorry, bad weather." hahaha. so silly. bran says the equipment on the plane is primitive. ahh..what to do..we only paid $150 for a return trip. when we entered the cockpit, the pilots were already filing and preparing for the next flight which i believe was scheduled to depart 20 mins after we landed.

Cynthia's wedding dinner on Sunday was routine. similar to all other singaporean chinese weddings, but sweet nevertheless. she was my ex-colleague. we last worked together 2 and a half years ago and i'm glad she invited me. may, my fellow ipoh-ian, was also invited but she had work committments. so i lugged bran along. heh. thankfully bran could make it, or i would have to share the food with a weird chatty aunty and her children. coincidentally, cynthia and her husband stays one block away from bran. small small world

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