Saturday, September 09, 2006


My lappy finally collapsed after serving me faithfully daily for 2 and a half years. I got it back from the repairman but had to wait till my bro returned from taiwan to connect me to the net, and my previous hard disk is dead. I managed to retrieve all my files and my dad insisted the guy replace the dead one with a 80GB hard disk. I am barely using 4GB now! Soo…

happy 5 years anniversary bran! this is a week late but I still want to announce it. –beams- the pet shop called on Tuesday to let us know the bunnies have arrived. We jet down to the pet shop and got ourselves a brown dwarf and a light grey mini lop. I still have the tendency to call them hammy. They’re currently at my place since I have the cage from the previous rabbit which hopped to our door 10 years ago. They will be moved to bran’s place soon. Bran was so excited about them he was at my house for 3 days.


don't ask me why the lop's ears are like that...

My days as an intern at cathay pacfic has started on Wednesday and I’m pretty excited about what they have in store for us. The 4 of us will have to start working on a campaign next week. I don’t think I can divulge much here but I’m enjoying myself there, sans the mrt and lunch crowd at raffles place. Sometimes they make really silly jokes, but I figured I would look silly laughing to myself, so I would look over to weili or christine hoping to find someone to laugh with, but they won’t raise their heads! weili says she did the same, we probably tried looking over at different times, or I’m too short.


Anonymous said...

i likey that one up one down lop rabbit. can it move its ear?? what do they eat?? carrots?? potatoes??? or those you buy from pet shops?? coming back or not??? haven't confirm yet?? you want ya dunkin donuts??????? come to kl and stay?????????????

Kelinci said...

Cute your bunny.
Holland Lop