Sunday, December 31, 2006

365th day

The sun is finally out! Bunny is very happy it is finally able to hop around after being caged in for the past 3 days.

need to summarize the year
  • can't remember what happened in the first quarter of the year
  • mother ham gave birth to lots of hamster pups!
  • dilun, diyang, diyan and family's first CNY in Singapore

  • final year in TP
  • made some great friends from cross-disciplinary subject - plugging into china connections. seehwee, jiexian, ziting, gloria, tzzzzzewan, kit yadda yadda. had loads of fun in china (playing card games and 5 straight hours of bridge and daidee on the plane) with this ladies
  • haven't been back to ipoh since april
  • pop bought new car
  • bran graduated from SYFC. awarded "Best in Ground School" =)
  • holidayed in BKK with bran. first overseas trip together =). blew alot of $ but had a really good time exploring, eating, shopping, and taking care of each other.
  • welcome to the world isabelle and letithia!

  • joining CX is perhaps the turning point which cuts ice with me. lots of activities during my stay in CX but i'll leave it as that. =)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

rainy weekend

I can't find the picture of me, jie xian and see hwee eating ice cream before we climbed close to 400 steps to reach the mausoleum.

cold weather makes me crave for ice cream.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


daniel chan is going to bangkok with michelle on thursday. we helped him plan his itinerary and i have to urge to fly there soon.

christina toh and sherril 'invited' me to join them in bangkok in january. they'll be going in a big group over the weekend. i'm sure it's a pretty good deal since they've got airline passes and they get to enjoy lots of discounts.

wendy is tempting me to join elaine and herself in bangkok in february. they've got a REALLY good deal too, but the travelling period is too near the deadline for the research paper.

bran has been asking me to return to bangkok with him every other day.

ohhnoo i'm so tempted. -pulls hair-

anyway, stephen brought the d&d committee to airport for a thank-you lunch.

the d&d committee

test test, wai pheng testing my camera. all the photos turned out ok today, so with regards to the blur photos taken on saturday,
the problem lay with the photog , which is me

two of my favourite people in CX. helen, confidential secretary to stephen; and wai pheng, admin personnel.
wai pheng is really pleasant and helen is so cheeky!


with chrissy

Monday, December 11, 2006

ctrl - z

when you've done something that you wished you didn't, do you wish that you can 'ctrl - z' and undo what you've just done?

I get this very often.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


bran called me at 7am to announce that he's under my block. I went down with my eyes half-open to see him with his bicycle. He had spent 2 hours cycling from his place, to my old place to see what is left of it, to the pet shop to look at the bunnies and then to my place.

I am so sore that i couldn't go on a joyride on bran's flight last friday. because bran only knew of the flight on thursday and the police needed 5 days to process any requests to take passengers in the flights. will I get another chance soon?

tung: i like how you cuddle me to sleep
bran: mm..but you wriggled away

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Cathay Pacific Celebrates 60 years in Singapore

Have you seen the cathay's ad in the straits times & lian he zao bao today?

I wouldn't say I did that, but I was largely involved in producing the ad. I was so worried the creative may not even be produced and approved in time for it to be published today. The ad kinda marks the end of my attachment in the marketing & sales department. Will be attached to reservations & ticketing (which is just next door to M & S and is part of the M & S team) for a month from next week.

I had to wake up at 5am today, take a cab down to telok blangah to pick daniel up and off we went to the airport. the cab fare was $40! we met up with ben and boon, set up the standee at the check-in row and went for a $45 gelare breakfast. woohoo!
*expenses were borne by CX. =X

we were there to distribute some tokens of appreciation to all CX passengers departing Singapore today.

boon and daniel
CX plane in front of a SQ plane, at daybreak

we had an hour before the second flight so roland brought us around. we went to SATS lounge and frankly, it's no biggie. It is traditional, all covered up. But CIAS lounge, which CX passengers use, is nice! so much daylight and you can get a nice view of the planes.

at the CIAS lounge, see the CX tailfin behind us?
remember her? she's aileen leong, my history/social studies teacher back in CSS. She was leaving for HKG on CX.
Another CSS teacher, Gary Cheng, was on the same flight too.

We handed out the gifts till 11.30am after the 3rd CX flight for the day. The gifts for the second half of the day were handed out by the airport staff. Actually I'm pretty worried for myself because 60% of the pictures taken are blur. And those which are not are not good enough for publication. ohoh..

We had drinks at MIX and ben brought me and daniel to Werners to eat. Woohoo!

Happy 60th Birthday!

Monday, December 04, 2006

cathay pacific dinner & dance

It was our annual dinner & dance last friday and I was one of the committee members. I'll let the pictures do the explaining. From the photos, it seems like it's christine and siautung's party. heh.

That's tasha and I before lunch, before the party.

Let the party begin!
Party: Cathay Pacific Dinner & Dance 2006
Theme: Moving the World for 60 Years
Dresscode: Dress to represent any destination that CX flies to

I was a French Maid that night.

with ben, judy, elaine, runi & ah-boon
tasha has a fetish for 'neck-dusting'. she keeps requesting me to dust her neck
christine and avril, she was smoking hot on the dance floor
sherril the vietnamese and jenny the..chinese

caught snacking
the interns with stephen, country manager
whee! CX sales & marketing team sans rai and tasha and chris toh
daniel chan
emperor patrick yeung, GM for S.E. Asia
space trooper

haha so cute!
VIP march in with commitee

that's the committee after our ridiculous song and dance. it was great fun though!
avril and partner's salsa
rai's "knock 3 times". splendid performance, totally unlike his usual self at the office
christine clinking the cutlery on rai's cue
yanti from cargo, cheering after rai's performance. she's really a helluva fun.
fighting for Ms Cathay Pacific

i won a Creative MuVo
with another airport intern from ngee ann
they're not a couple but this looks like a wedding photo. in fact the photog is wai pheng's (above) "friend"
congrats Queenatasha! iSqueeze!
Congrats Christine! She got what she wished for! 4GB ipod!
woohoo!! winner of the mystery prize - a diamond pendant in our diamond anniversary year.

i truly enjoyed myself last friday. bran came to pick me up and our taxi was beside natasha's car with 7 passengers at the traffic light. haha