Tuesday, January 15, 2008

bad karma

I'm on MC today. The pretty doctor said, "too much acid in stomach"...whatever that means.. anyway did I mention that I was down with a flu 3 weeks ago, and I went to the clinic just below my office. All the doctor could say was, "you caught a bug." Anyone can say that!

I had too much laugh yesterday, and I accumulated way too much bad karma in just one day. We had lunch with Ben (oh he brought a coach bag back and a very pretty A&F tee from the states for me -grin-) and we updated him on what happened in the 3 weeks he was away. For no reason, Judy told us that she just called 'Ah Chua', their ex-colleague who retired about 7 years ago, and he told her that "he fell down". I could not stop laughing after I heard that, I am so mean but I couldn't help it. You gotta hear all the silly antics of Ah Chua from Ben himself.

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