Thursday, January 01, 2009

This year..

I'm going to make new year resolutions I can keep.

Be a couch potato
2) Gain weight

I had a enjoyable date with Bran yesterday :). Our intention for NYE was to stay in Jurong area and be back home by midnight so we can catch the fireworks at Boon Lay. Last year I caught the fireworks right outside my door! Sure beats squeezing among the sticky crowded in town.

We went to JP (I heart the expanded JP) to have dinner and Bran walked over to GV to see if we could catch Twilight. He walked back shaking his head. I half expected it because it was already 8pm. Guess what, Bran suddenly produced 2 tickets to Twilight from behind! I'm pretty touched because he is dead against watching that show; and he has caught it the night before when the officer cadets had an outing in town, though I cannot phantom why they were made to watch that show, probably to learn some gentlemanly manners? heh.. nevertheless I was very pleased with boyf:) the movie was disappointing though.

By the time the movie ended it was already 2345 and we went to mccafe for some beverage. We didn't catch any fireworks this time, but it was still a delightful date with Bran. We hardly get to spend much time together, even on his book out days he rushes to finish his journal entries and I desperately need to catch up with my revision and readings. Much as I hate this sort of schedule even on our "off days", I'm pretty sure the tough going now will be worth it.

Goodbye 2008, you sucked.

Happy new year everyone

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