Tuesday, April 11, 2006

beyond boredom

whee! this is one cool tuesday. my parents and i made ourselves cosy in the hall and watched 3 hours of lost, and i fell asleep again. i've only been awake for a total of 9 hours today and i can feel my eyes closing already.

i write one paragraph a day for my reflective jo
urnal on the trip, and i'm so glad i'm almost done.

caught jiexian online this afternoon and as usual, she was sleeping at work and was caught by her supervisor. her hostel is on the same floor as her office and they have wireless internet connection. how cool is that! you can just wake up 10mins before work. and isn't china still in the internet cafe era?

i was stroking a baby hamster while watching tv and it leaped out of my hands and landed on its back. i picked it up again and placed it on my lap, it made itself comfortable and peed on me. that ungrateful thing.

supposedly famous

look at the spread, and it's only the beginning of the meal

gaah...i want xiaolongbaos. the best i can find here are at tunglok at liang court but that's too out of the way, or settle for crystal jade at jurong point. bran and i went for xiaolongbao supper the night before i left, but the authentic ones at shanghai tastes so much better.

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