Saturday, April 29, 2006


so there goes the first week of semester 3.1. hmm...looks like there's alot to be done. visited the FHA 2006, thanks to sarah for the complimentary passes! it was indeed an eye-opener for me. ('mouth-opener' as well, lots of yummy food to try. US PORK makes very nice cheese sausages!) you look at those brands, you try the food, but i don't think many of the brands will be retailed to plebeians like us, it is afterall a trade-only event. sigh..if not i would have bought some US PORK. or are there US PORK sold out there? if you see it, lemme know ok? bran loves delicatessen. anyway, why aren't hospitality events front-page news-worthy? no one knew that singapore's national culinary team led by our own TP chefs won top honours at international competitions, beating other culinary powerhouses. but everyone knows who won what, who lost what in sporting events. hmm..

oh! oh! whee! i'm on the director's honours list again! happy?

this is a female, the dark brown one is a male

all huddled up when i switched on the aircon in the hall; there're actually 4 hams,
one hidden below the dark brown ham

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