Tuesday, May 30, 2006


i think i'm tired..but i don't care, i am going to play the sims. i just killed a sim today..it's ok..clearing up the gene pool.
hmm..done with the ppt for my issues presentation, and partly done for interim report, just left with siao zha bor meiqi's part. and i ran out of foolscap to do my calculus tutorial. humphf.
i'm contemplating to skip apel tomorrow. yes yes shocked? come on! i haven't skipped any classes from day 1. i need to rush to bran's for dinner tomorrow..so..should i?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Yes, I think you should" said the devil.
"No, you shoudln't...bad girl!" said the angel in a squeaky voice.

The devil made an evil glance at the angel and the angel went squealing away and disappeared into thin air leaving a puff of smoke trail with a *POOF* word on it.

"See....the devil always triumph" said the devil along with a snorty laugh.
*snort...snort...snort....snort...hahaha snort snort..*