Thursday, August 31, 2006

lop lops

a couple of days ago, bran popped by the pet shop a jurong point and fell in love with a lop-eared rabbit. he described it as love at first sight (heehee), and he was very heartbroken when a couple bought it while he was on the phone with me contemplating whether to get it. so after exams, we checked out a couple of pet shops but coincidentally, all their lop-ears were sold out.

holland lop

look isn't it adorable! we played with some bunnies at the usual pet shop and it would just seat itself comfortably on our palms while we stroke it. anyone knows where to get the lop-ears? mini lop, dwarf lop, holland lop, any lop except english lops.

english lop

Sunday, August 20, 2006


i woke up especially early today to deliver bran's sample papers right to his doorstep. i left my house without breakfast, took a bus down to bukit panjang plaza to buy bran's favourite sushi and panadol. by the time i got home i was too tired to do anything.

i have always enjoyed watching my hamsters' lifes go by. today, when they sat on their butts to clean themselves again, i called my mom over to look at how fat they are. i could even see the multiple layers of flesh on them. and my mom said 'yah loh, like owner like pet. all got big butts.' humphf.

Friday, August 18, 2006


i woke up to a hurting neck after a 13-hours sleep this afternoon. i'm in agony. i can't turn my head to the right. my mom attributed it to my long sleeping hours and shrimp-sleeping posture.

bran has fallen ill. it is no wonder. he went out cycling at the wee hours till 6am yesterday morning and he had a paper yesterday. he only woke up at 7pm today. bran always took care of me whenever i'm ill. papa is not home tonight, my brother is back in camp. i couldn't possibly leave my mom alone at home. i'm feeling really guilty..

argh..i don't think i can get down to study. the sims is so addictive. all my 5th-generation sims gave birth to twins and now i have too many sims to handle.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Team France

Team France's fireworks display was spectacular! in fact i felt it was better than National Day's!

i returned to school for the SIP Launch this morning, returned home and met bran to watch fireworks in the evening. taking bus service 700 would usually take us 30 mins to reach town from the terminus, but today it took us more than an hour. the bus took half an hour just to get from Tangs to SICEC. we decided to alight there instead of waiting it to turn to esplanade and we scampered all the way to marina square. the display started just as we got a spot with an okay view.

i love their display! sometimes, it looked like the sky was showering the earth with golden dust, at other times it looked like meteor showers. i particularly liked the very colourful one which looked like floating flowers raining down on the land. at times when they have a lot going on, especially the finale, it just made me euphoric. ever realized that looking at beautiful things make us happy too?

i caught singapore's and what's that country? new caledonia? displays from home. singapore's was...predictable. the same gold coconut head and some red balls. new caledonia's was very disappointing. where did that country pop up from anyway?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

how time flies, it's mid-august already.

i am so carefree these days, i have absolutely no discipline to sit down and do any work. uh, i know there's not alot of work to begin with. i know i have to start going through the presentation again, i have to prepare for calculus lecture and i have to write some silly reflection. usually i would have started on my tasks the first thing after dinner. but there's so much time to waste that, i don't know when i should start doing my work. i hate it when i'm not in control of myself. the only thing that motivates me to wake up now is controlling my sims.

i can see the fireworks from my place, with the help of a good pair of binoculars of course. somehow, i miss seeing the military planes from my old place. bran would rush out to the balcony everytime he hears a rumble. now, i can only hear them roar but they're no where in sight.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


weili..any news from bad news..i don't dig the idea of presenting to a large group. i really hope nobody turns up for lecture next week..really, really. i'm proud of our work, but we'll be presenting to the wrong audience. bran save me..

bran's brother had 2 tickets to the parade but aunty nancy and uncle billy wanted to and i just watched from the outside.
so we made a trip down to marina to catch the flypast. the chinook was so near us when it was flying back! it was right above us! it seemed like i could reach the flag if i just stretched out my arms. the f16s were as impressive as usual.

i was so carefree the past week that i have almost forgotten that i needed to attend school today. i spent my time sleeping, playing sims 2, watching the hams live their silly lives, checked out online auctions, went out with bran whenever we could yadda yadda..ooh! anyway! check this out if you're a sim-fanatic. this in from diyang. yay yay! another sims expansion will be out in october. i can't wait!

Monday, August 07, 2006

of concert and mothers

bran's concert was brilliant! before friday, bran told me the concert would be on saturday so papa and i arranged to go down together. BUT! on friday, bran told me the concert was on sunday instead and HE JUST REALIZED THAT. sigh bran...papa couldn't make it on sunday night so after calling almost everyone who may be interested to go, bran had to call his mom on sunday afternoon so i would not have to go alone. poor aunty nancy, she had woken up at 3am to go to work, ended work at 3pm and had 4 and a half hours to while away before the concert. so she went on a shopping spree. she must have been very tired because i caught her napping during the concert =P.

i thought the idea of gathering all the bandies from the st andrews family was a great idea but...a 3-hour concert, isn't it a tad too long? the junior school band was so cute! the second half of the concert was definitely more intriguing than the first. the concert ended close to 11pm. by the time we got home it was already 12am; and poor aunty nancy had to wake up at 3 for work again. bad bran.

this morning, i heated up this piece of char siew-like meat my dad got from house of gourmet. my mom watched me from the stairs as i cut it up and put it in my mouth. it tasted bad and i 'blearghed' it out and told her it had turn bad. she said 'yeah, i knew.' but why didn't she tell me before i put it into my mouth! momma....