Tuesday, November 07, 2006

5 years 2 months

I had thought that after the SMAP is completed I would be able to breathe easy again, but hell NO! Boon is tying up the loose ends of the SMAP and I am finally able to continue with the other projects. I was informed of a presentation to our consortium agents at HKTB 20 hours before the presentation. The mothers and father at CX assured me that the presentation doesn't have to be fanciful, just informative (they do not pay attention to the presenters anyway). Boon and I stayed till 8.30pm last night before ben and his wife brought us out for dinner at The Coffee Club just below Ocean Towers.

The damn fax machine scared the shit out of me last night. I have never noticed the sounds the machine makes when it cuts paper. But I could hear it loud and clear when the office was dead quiet. It sounded like someone was running his fingers across the keyboard and I was scared silly. No one was in the office except Boon and me and Ben in his stuffy room.

The presentation didn't go as smoothly as expected. The agents were so agitated when I announced the "meagre" commission (according to them) they will be receiving for selling the package. It sorta started them talking and they spewed a barrage of questions, suggestions and complaints. Honestly, I was stumped by their explosion. Thankfully ben is very supportive and he took over from there. Okie dooks, lesson learnt.

Okay folks, no need to speculate anymore. Yes, Bran and I had a big fight 2 weeks ago and we wanted out then. But everything's peachy now. In fact Sunday marked our 62nd month together.

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