Monday, November 20, 2006

suzuki LC

last weekend turned out to be pretty satisfying. i spent 3 hours cleaning the hamsters and rabbit cages and slept my saturday away. then off to bran's in the rain on sunday. when i arrived at 4pm, bran had just woken up from his dream. after much procrastination and hesitation, we went down to the motor show at 6pm. and look what i found!this is so cute! i want one!


diyang said...

heheeee is that a toy car?? i don't see any handbrakes or gears. i guess it's a pedalled car.

the wombat said...

noo!! it's a real car! but suzuki won't be mass producing it. how..?

diyang said...

Which how are you questioning? You how-ing how to get a car if it isn't mass produced. Or how it's pedalled?

I'll answer how it is pedalled. See that two foot-press that looks like the accelerator and the brake. Wait..but it isn't. First...step any of the foot-press first. Then step the other as you lift your feet of the other foot-press. Lift off the other and press the other.'re pedalling.

the wombat said...

hahahahaha! idiot!! my how referred to "how to get the suzuki if it's not going to be mass produced"

diyang said...

Oooh! HahA! ><
Publicize yourself to the whole world saying you want that car. People might notice you and BAM! You get the car even before you could say POTATO!

the wombat said...


where's my car?

diyang said...

That's more like farting than saying POTATO! Poooooooooooooot!~