Friday, November 09, 2007

= [

Bran met with a terrible accident yesterday afternoon. Thank his lucky stars there were no cars behind him on the usually busy road, he was wearing a helmet, and there was one, just one, passer-by.

He is conscious and very alert and still speaks very loudly. He fractured his left arm though and there're bruises and lacerations all over his body. They had to stitch up his forehead and his left eye is swollen and black, looks like he just got punched in the eye. =(

I rushed to the hospital within 20 mins after his call but the doctor & nurses would not allow us to see him. We waited for about 3 hours before they told us to return at 8pm to pick him up because they would still like to observe him. At 6pm, they called to tell us that he needs to stay for another 24 hours for observation. So I went back at 7pm and stayed till 10pm. Dad and Mom went to visit him with his favourite bananas just now and Aunty Nancy should be there to pick him up now.

Get well soon bran...

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