Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The long weekend in Perth .. 2

Sunday was spent at Fremantle. I heart Fremantle! We went to the much talked about Sunday market. It started to rain when we tried to get to the harbour so we hid in a cafe and fell asleep zzZzzz because it was so warm and cosy inside. :) We had the "original and world's best fish & chips" at Cicerellos. Yum! We took a stroll along the beach.. The sight was beautiful.. the breeze was I have remembered to bring everything Bran asked me to, except for my camera. Photos won't do the place any justice, you have to be there to take in the sheer beauty of Fremantle.

By then, it had already felt like my heart weighed a ton..

We took a slow back to the train station.. and held hands throughout the 40 mins train ride back to Midland.. I couldn't stop crying when I parted with Bran, the next time we meet again could be 3 months later.

I cried when I walked away from Bran, I cried on the train, people were looking but I didn't care.. The cabbie even asked Bran if he wanted to turn back.. I cried my way back to Perth city. Everytime the scene replays in my head tears well up in my eyes.

I stayed in my brother's rented room for the entire Monday. It was simply too cold to get out! It's not that I didn't want to return to Singapore, but the ticket required me to stay in Perth for a minimum of 3 days.. so I earliest flight I could catch was the midnight flight from Perth to Singapore on Tuesday morning.

I was back to work an hour after arriving in Singapore.. It was a bittersweet trip. I could not wait to see Bran again, but I knew I would have to bear with the heartache of parting with him all over again.

How was your weekend?

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