Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Something from 8 Days:

...Hongkongers are known to call themselves everything from Circumference to Welldone, including our current favourite, Abcd...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome to Singapore!

Dilun arrived in Singapore on Saturday evening. Welcome to Singapore! It's been so long!

My family hosted a dinner on Sunday and my mom prepared a feast for 15 peeps. It was a family gathering for the Hos and some Wongs in Singapore. I had a great time that night.

Bran's mother says that everything happens in multiples of three. For instance, if you meet someone on the streets, you're likely to meet another 2 more, or 5 more, or 8 more etc. I met 7 friends in Ngee Ann City alone and 1 more at Vivocity yesterday. I was expecting to meet one more but I didn't. Oh..this is quite random but nevermind.

I visited Bran's uncle at Mount E. yesterday and I met bran's nephew, Nathan (pronounced nay-than [like turn], not Nathan as in S R Nathan), for the first time. He warms up to strangers very fast and he hugged me even though he barely knew me for 10 minutes (Nani nani poo poo! He didn't hug bran). At one point, he held bran and my hands, looked up at us and asked "Are both of you married?"

Thursday, February 22, 2007

lion head

truly a lion head

on the cooling floor sweet

still trying to get out

make-up v. day

This year's Valentine's Day was spent with papa, mama, hdw, xueling and bran. bran and i had already planned for dinner but hdw wants a bbq and only informed us on the night before. bad. so being a good sister and daughter (because hdw doesn't do any chores, including washing the dishes, and that means papa has to do it alone if I'm not around), so bran accommodated me and joined us for the bbq.

So today, bran and I had a make-up V. Day! No flowers or chocs, just being in each other's company. We spent over $80 on 8 types of ham, smoked salmon, black olives and 2 ribeye steaks, made dinner and had dinner with bran's daddy. oh! and I saw bran cycling furiously on the road from the LRT. Such a coincidence. bran brought his super telescope and we went down to the field to look at Venus and the moon, and tried to figure out what was the sentence that we were taught in primary school to make us remember the nine planets. Bran could name all the planets without any help but I struggled to even think of any planet that starts with the letter E before bran helpfully told me I'm standing on one.

Was it:
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas?

Now that Pluto is demoted, bran readily provided me with another sentence to remember the 8 planets:
My Very Educated Mother Just Stood Up Naked
So easy to remember.

Okay the baby bunnies are so adorable! 3 lop ears and 3 lion heads, just like the mom and dad. and I brought a lion head home! mama is going to go berserk when she sees it tomorrow morning but bunny needs a companion.


so tiny!

*kiss kiss

bran with the cutest lion head

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Desperate Housewives 3

Desperate Housewives 3

Coming 3 March

Are you excited?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

application for a night out

Haha! I like this! I am going to implement this. Thanks for sharing this with me bran =). Are you regretting it already?

Monday, February 12, 2007

mum and ham

In case you were wondering if my mom has found out about the new hammy; yes she has, because I couldn't resist it. =)

On the morning after...

Tung: Eh mama! Why got a white hamster [in the male's cage]! You put wrongly is it?

(Before I bought the new hammy, we only had one albino and it's a female)
Mama: (looked at the cage and was shocked when she saw a "white thing" each in both cages)

(short pause)

Mama: Don't bluff, it's a piece of
Tung: (picked up the piece of bread) But it can move!!
Mama: (shocked)

Then I burst out laughing and she knew it immediately. Hahaha

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I reached home at 1 on Saturday, slept for barely 3 hours and had to wake up at 5 to reach school in time for NAPFA. Why in the world do we need to take the test!!! I think it is totally unnecessary. In the first place, we were not given PE lessons to train for them. BUT! The good news is, you just have to participate to graduate, you don't have to pass any of the stations at all =).

So off I went to meet Christine, it's great to see you again!

I practically failed all the tests, but I still pass NAPFA, for just being there and making a fool out of myself. =). Weili, Sylvie and I took 25mins to walk 2.4km, which in my opinion, is very good already. I thought we needed at least half an hour. Christine and I lay on the mat laughing for the rest of the minute after doing 15 sit-ups. Hahaha that was so silly. I can't remember much about the rest but I know I felt all sticky and tired after 5 hours at the Sports Complex.

[edit] visit christine ng's blog for the pictures of her looking as pretty as ever, and me looking very pathetic on that day

Okay, some photos for you peeps.

so soft and fluffy

munch munch munch


*sniff sniff

I "erased" my leg, but aren't they sweet?

papa: xiao tu zi
mama: chou (as in smelly) tu zi
tung: bunnnn-nnneeeeee
diwei: rabbit! rabbit!

"...something smells"

Friday, February 09, 2007

Of Library Visit

Oh, I visited the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library to do some research for my research paper today. Prior to that, I visited NLB's website and took down the call numbers of the books I was going to refer to. blah blah off I went to the library. The reference library comprises of 7 storeys if I am not wrong. I was looking for the books that will explain to me about the airline business, in fact one of the books I was looking for was entitled, The Airline Business. doh

So naturally I went to level 8 because the sign states that books related to BUSINESS are on that level. I went to the shelf corresponding to the call numbers and saw some books related to airlines, but none of the books I wanted were there! Could someone be using them at that time? I walked around the floor to see who was holding on the books, but there was none!

I thought I would give the person some time, it was close to 6pm and s/he should be leaving for dinner soon =). So I went to the B1 to borrow some fiction and went back to Level 8 half an hour later. But, the books were still not in sight! I wanted to give up my search for the day and return in the morning some other day, if I am the first person in the library, I would definitely get hold of the books. But before I left, I went to the information counter and she told me I was on the wrong floor! The books are on Level 7!

But the sign states Social Sciences and Humanities, Science and Technology on Level 7!


How would I possibly know that the "R" in front of the call number means that it's on Level 7?!! She made it sound like it's common sense. Or is it? Aiya, but she was very helpful also, so don't get me wrong, I was not frustrated with her. Luckily I checked with her if not I would have to make another futile trip again.

Ok, enjoy the video below! The animals are so adorable!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

nothing much

Hello! I have completed The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. Reading the particular book is so stressful because Dilun has kept it in such pristine condition and there are no dog ears or crack down the spine of the book. I am so relieved I am done with that book. Recommended read. Thanks Dilun!

I am so excited about CNY!

I will only have to go back to TP to hand up the research paper next Thursday, and go back for a 15 mins interview on the Wednesday after next and I'm done with poly (hopefully)!