Monday, June 30, 2008

The weekend's gone just like that! I was filled to the brim with anticipation and excitement on Friday, waiting for Bran's first book out. He booked out earlier to attend his overdue physio session. I picked him up, we caught up with each other while being stuck in the jam. I never enjoyed being stuck in a traffic jam until Friday. We picked his mom and aunty winnie up and by the time we sat down to have dinner, it was already 8.30pm.

I had planned our activities on Friday night way before he checked into Tekong. Circumstances kept popping up, bran keeps changing his appetites, and his mom wanted to join us for dinner on Friday (!!). I can't possibly reject her, right? She's the last person I want to have a feud with.

I had planned for a good dinner at Wasabi Bistro, but on Tuesday night, Bran said he didn't feel like having sushi.. and he would like some steak.. okay.. so I engaged the help of tash, elaine and huiee to think of a good steak place. criteria: reasonably priced, good food, lomantic, with parking lots available on a Friday night. In the end I settled for outback since there's no place we can think of which fits into all these criteria. I enjoyed myself very much on Friday =)

Sleep in on Saturday, then to sushi tei for a hearty dose of sashimi. -20% in Bran's birthday month. We dropped in at the chalet for a while before rushing down to esplanade to watch the fly past. M&S BBQ in the evening followed by many rounds of high-low. The stakes were smaller since there were 3 kids playing too. The stakes went up to as high as $30 at our last game at Ben's place!

Sunday..ah.. Happy Birthday Bran. We had an early dinner with his extended family at T3 before sending him off.

I'm now paying for the fun I had =(

Guess who

Congeniality ..... A
Sense of Humour ..... A
Unconditionality ..... A
Hubba Hubba Factor ..... A
Fidelity ..... D

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Day!

I was having a bad day at work yesterday, so I messaged Bran about it. He didn't reply to my message, but asked for my office address because his friend wanted to issue some tickets. So I gave him the address... and continued to be upset at work.

This morning, Judy walked to my desk and asked if I'll be free on 26 August. To which I exclaimed, "It's my birthday!".

Judy: Oh! It slipped my mind, Mandarin Oriental Roadshow, we have a table there.
Tung: Table! (For a moment I thought she meant we booked a table for dinner). meant booth.. (I thought I could have dinner with my family lehh..)
Judy: It's ok, we'll still celebrate for you..

In the meantime, Michelle walks in waving a bouquet of flowers in the air.. "Flowers!!!"

I received the flowers and the card read "Poor sweety". Everything pieced together now! No wonder Bran asked for my office address. It turned out that Bran had ordered the flowers to cheer me up. aww...thank you Bran =) It's a very pretty bouquet of 12 pink roses.. trigger happy! He really made my day

Everyone could not believe it was from Bran since he's still in camp. Judy insisted MO could read our minds and had sent a bouquet to compensate for making me work on my bday.

I can't wait for the glorious weekends! Some piccas taken with Dilun's ibook


more to come later..

Farewell dinner with Huiee, Elaine and Tasha yesterday.

I was so sad.. tash cheered me up

haha this picture is so cute

huiee's eye candy. His complexion is so fair and smooth that he'll put us ladies to shame

Uncle also wanted a strawberry from us..

Tash will hate me for this!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

food trip

Dinner on Tuesday with Huimin, Lela and Shimin. I almost threw up a couple of times not because I ate too much, but we had such a good laugh at the good old times and a very stupid piece of chicken on the table opposite of ours.

On Wednesday, I embarked on a long overdue trip to Ipoh..alone. Thanks to Diyang for waiting patiently at the bus terminus from 5am. Throughout the journey I was afraid I would miss the stop and end up somewhere else, because momma reminded me to alight at Ipoh, not another place called "gam poh". But luckily Diyang called to assure me that
Ipoh is the last stop and he was already there.

Thursday, we had hakka mee for brunch and had a very big packet of coconut juice each. When I poured the contents out it could fill a big bowl, and the bowl I used was the kind you would serve soup with! Dilun also came back from KL yays! Then it was Korean for dinner.

On Friday, Dilun Diyang and myself had dim sum for breakfast. One of them would drive while the other two played Mario Karts. Nintendo DS Lite is damn cool. We can play multiplayer games on our own consoles as long as one player has the game. We caught "Get Smart" in the afternoon. That was my first movie after Harry Potter... Then we had the most fantastic, long awaited roadside dinner! The char kway teow is out of the world, ask Brandon, he can vouch for that.

Saturday.. ahh.. I had two bowls of "gai see hor fun" for breakfast. I continued with my DVD marathon before we drove to the other side of Meru Valley and played at the waterfall.

"Two yellow butterflies flutting around on a sunny blue sky."
- xxyang, 21 June 08
He meant fluttering. These were the exact words which came out of his mouth!

The umbrella is for attacking the tiger if it appears.

The bbq meat is for feeding the tiger so it won't eat us.

The three of us went crazy playing Mario Party. Diyang keeps winning! We don't understand how he can still blow at the mic while laughing. We were supposed to blow into the mic to blow out the candles in the game. Dilun had already fell off his chair and I was already laying on my side but Diyang could still continue blowing! Hahaha! Of course he won. Wished it lasted longer..and wished Diyan or Diwei was here so we didn't have to play with the computer. It can be very slow at times and how do you communicate with the computer in team games??

Many thanks to Dilun & Diyang for driving us around while I go on my food escapade and look for pomelos and biscuits. =)

i'm a material girl

woohoo! gucci #4

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lucky win

I received an email last week informing me that I have won the 2nd prize in the May CX World quiz. It's a two-night stay at Grand Mercure Baolang Shanghai. Guess what, I didn't enter the quiz!

picture from Accor Hotels

It turned out that Huiee, who has been using my ID to log on to our intranet, has entered the quiz without my knowledge. I offered her the prize but she has declined it. =)

Need to:
- Get the complimentary stay extended to end September so Bran can come along =).

He has always wanted to go to Shanghai. I should have nominated Bran as my companion instead of my brother. My brother is not using my benefits at all! Then Bran would be able to fly Business with me, and he won't be so grumpy when they gave me a Business Class seat while he took Economy. It's not that I didn't want to sit with him but the flight was full and I really didn't want to confuse those ladies at the counter lest they decide that I'm too troublesome and offload me.

- Apply for visas to China, NOW! I heard they require 2 months to process the application. But I need to get Bran's passport, which is in one of the pockets of his jacket, which is somewhere in his terribly messy room.

- Confirm that Bran can leave the country after his BMT

- Thank Huiee again =)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


A gathering everyone wished we didn't have to attend
Goodbye Clifton

Thursday, June 12, 2008

= |

Bran forbids me to talk about how much I miss him while he's there..

Monday, June 09, 2008

no happy ending





treasured? never.
onboard, we didn't get the new aircraft, who made the aircraft change!!

bran's favourite hui lau shan mango desserts. we had mango desserts everyday of the trip,
some days even two

the peak

in happier times

star ferry