Monday, June 30, 2008

The weekend's gone just like that! I was filled to the brim with anticipation and excitement on Friday, waiting for Bran's first book out. He booked out earlier to attend his overdue physio session. I picked him up, we caught up with each other while being stuck in the jam. I never enjoyed being stuck in a traffic jam until Friday. We picked his mom and aunty winnie up and by the time we sat down to have dinner, it was already 8.30pm.

I had planned our activities on Friday night way before he checked into Tekong. Circumstances kept popping up, bran keeps changing his appetites, and his mom wanted to join us for dinner on Friday (!!). I can't possibly reject her, right? She's the last person I want to have a feud with.

I had planned for a good dinner at Wasabi Bistro, but on Tuesday night, Bran said he didn't feel like having sushi.. and he would like some steak.. okay.. so I engaged the help of tash, elaine and huiee to think of a good steak place. criteria: reasonably priced, good food, lomantic, with parking lots available on a Friday night. In the end I settled for outback since there's no place we can think of which fits into all these criteria. I enjoyed myself very much on Friday =)

Sleep in on Saturday, then to sushi tei for a hearty dose of sashimi. -20% in Bran's birthday month. We dropped in at the chalet for a while before rushing down to esplanade to watch the fly past. M&S BBQ in the evening followed by many rounds of high-low. The stakes were smaller since there were 3 kids playing too. The stakes went up to as high as $30 at our last game at Ben's place!

Sunday..ah.. Happy Birthday Bran. We had an early dinner with his extended family at T3 before sending him off.

I'm now paying for the fun I had =(

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