This morning, Judy walked to my desk and asked if I'll be free on 26 August. To which I exclaimed, "It's my birthday!".
Judy: Oh! It slipped my mind, Mandarin Oriental Roadshow, we have a table there.
Tung: Table! (For a moment I thought she meant we booked a table for dinner). meant booth.. (I thought I could have dinner with my family lehh..)
Judy: It's ok, we'll still celebrate for you..
In the meantime, Michelle walks in waving a bouquet of flowers in the air.. "Flowers!!!"
I received the flowers and the card read "Poor sweety". Everything pieced together now! No wonder Bran asked for my office address. It turned out that Bran had ordered the flowers to cheer me up. aww...thank you Bran =) It's a very pretty bouquet of 12 pink roses.. trigger happy! He really made my day
Everyone could not believe it was from Bran since he's still in camp. Judy insisted MO could read our minds and had sent a bouquet to compensate for making me work on my bday.
I can't wait for the glorious weekends! Some piccas taken with Dilun's ibook
Farewell dinner with Huiee, Elaine and Tasha yesterday.

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