Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The long weekend in Perth .. 2
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The long weekend in Perth .. 1
Monday, February 23, 2009
Best Wheel Of Fortune Contestant
Hahaha! This video is recommended by Di Yang. If it is endorsed by Di Yang, you can be sure you will enjoy a side -splitting laught. Make sure you watch the whole video, especially at the 6:10 mark.
(on our way home from social night or in bran's words "officers' wives club induction night")
Me: What is this Turtle soup flavoured ice cream ??!!!
Bran: I bought this to see you laugh
Isn't he sweet.. :)
It is actually Vanilla ice cream with caramel stuff.. you can read from the lid. It tastes quite good, if not for the name of this ice cream. Turtle soup is a major turn off bleargh x
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Air Force Service Term Social Night
I’m very proud of you bran :)
Don’t you wish it is Friday night again?
So tomorrow will be the weekends again.
HDW flew back to Perth today. :(
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Only the best for you
Here’s my gift to bran. It’s a limited edition Audio Technica ATH-ESW 10.
We tried a couple of headphones and Bran eventually decided this set works the best for him, though it set me back by $800.
Only the best for you bran.. :)
We had a really fantastic meal at Wasabi Bistro on v. day. Ben & Judy’s discount card made the meal sweeter. And we watched Valkyrie - our 3rd movie for the month. I bet we did not even watch 3 movies in the theatre for the whole year of 2008.
How was your v. day?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
surprise surprise!
Delivered to the office by TNT

“To the love of my life, Tung.
Love Bran.”
I didn’t know you could be so romantic bran :)
tadah!! It’s an Apple iPod Nano in my favourite colour!
I am honestly, very surprised and touched. I have not expected an iPod at all because I’m not a music junkie. Thank you very much bran :)
Surprise #2 was from my brother, whom I newly christened Tom because Ben can’t pronounce his name. I shrieked when I saw a Burberry Blue Label Paper Bag on my bed when I came home from school today. It’s a very pretty sling bag! He just came back from Japan today. Thanks loads too!
And I was telling Bran yesterday that I am a blessed girl :)
Monday, February 09, 2009
bran: tung, you know i like to wrestle with you.
me: why do you like to wrestle with me?
bran: because you are big and soft. can you wrestle with me?
me: oh! no! i don’t like the description.
bran: can i have a subway long foot melt
homer and marge are attending a dinner, and homer is contesting which tie to wear.
marge: why don’t you wear a tie which matches the colour of my eyes. –turns away from homer-
homer has forgotten what is the colour of marge’s eyes.
homer: is ‘beautiful’ a colour?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
last week…
.. flew past in a wink of the eye. Hong Kong was freezing cold. Even though I was under shelter in Cathay City throughout my short 23 hours stay, I’ve got 2 frostbites on my fingers.
I’m looking forward to CNY. It’s a good excuse to be gluttony, and I can’t wait for Di Lun and family to visit us again, and the long weekends! ooh.. mandarin oranges, waxed ducks, and walnut cookies!
Many asked if I can / would be celebrating CNY. My diplomatic answer would be, “It would be a humdrum affair this year.”
But deep down, I thought, “why not?” Wouldn’t merrymaking be the way Momma want us to spend CNY?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Bran’s family visiting day – 04 Jan 09
Thursday, January 01, 2009
This year..
1) Be a couch potato
2) Gain weight
I had a enjoyable date with Bran yesterday :). Our intention for NYE was to stay in Jurong area and be back home by midnight so we can catch the fireworks at Boon Lay. Last year I caught the fireworks right outside my door! Sure beats squeezing among the sticky crowded in town.
We went to JP (I heart the expanded JP) to have dinner and Bran walked over to GV to see if we could catch Twilight. He walked back shaking his head. I half expected it because it was already 8pm. Guess what, Bran suddenly produced 2 tickets to Twilight from behind! I'm pretty touched because he is dead against watching that show; and he has caught it the night before when the officer cadets had an outing in town, though I cannot phantom why they were made to watch that show, probably to learn some gentlemanly manners? heh.. nevertheless I was very pleased with boyf:) the movie was disappointing though.
By the time the movie ended it was already 2345 and we went to mccafe for some beverage. We didn't catch any fireworks this time, but it was still a delightful date with Bran. We hardly get to spend much time together, even on his book out days he rushes to finish his journal entries and I desperately need to catch up with my revision and readings. Much as I hate this sort of schedule even on our "off days", I'm pretty sure the tough going now will be worth it.
Goodbye 2008, you sucked.
Happy new year everyone