Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Fat Hammy


look at its fat body! even its face is bigger than the others'.

does the patches resemble a cow?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am hungry

I am very hungry now.

I visited the dentist today and there's an annoying tingling feeling on my teeth now.

Many of you have not realised this until I mention it, but I am going to announce it anyway. There is actually a horrifyingly wide gap between 2 teeth on my upper jaw. Because the baby tooth is still there, and it's too small to fill up the gap.

I had an x-ray taken today, and it revealed that I am one adult tooth short. Oh gosh. And the dentist can't fill up the gap because the root of the baby tooth is so short, it's like only 0.5cm, and the tooth may break if she does anything to it. That means the root may be embedded in my gums and I will need surgery to remove it. Horrors of horrors! So she suggested I get bridging done BUT she can't do it now! Because the root of the tooth beside it is not fully grown so it is not strong enough. Then she said the word which I hate to hear the most, "Wait". So you guys will still be seeing my baby tooth, and the gap, for a few more years.

On a happier note, I got a new hammy today =). I have 12 hammies, now I have 13. I know that's quite alot but this hammy is so irresistible! It resembled the very first hammy I got more than 10 years ago. Its fur is in patches of white and brown and it's so freaking fat! It didn't struggle when I picked it up, and it went back to sleep immediately after I put it back into the cage. Totally unlike hamsters' nature who are supposed to be cautious with strangers. Momma has not realised the latest addition yet. heehee =)

Menu for Valentine's Day Dinner: Tung's Cold Cut Platter

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cat & Karl

Uncle, aunty, diyang and diyan arrived in Singapore on Friday morning. It turned out that the pretty map I drew was wrong. The first exit they are supposed to turn is Exit 5 and not Exit 7. Good thing they still managed to find their way here. Coincidentally, there came to Singapore exactly a year ago to celebrate Chinese New Year.

26 January at Gu-ma's place

my bro and xueling in the car. we were stuck in a horrible jam for an hour
on our way from Jurong to Thomson

my mum

aunty, uncle, bride-to-be, diyan and diyang

grr..whoever took this shot

little brendan and his mom!

what were you looking at?


hahaha look at little brendan entertaining himself

momma and me

27 January
Saturday began very early for all of us.

dilun was not present because of his exams

bran and myself

papa, mama, aunty & uncle

isn't she beautiful

baby isabel, brendan's baby sister

then we were off to four seasons for a wedding lunch, and gu-ma's place for the tea ceremony. i'm really happy for my cousin =). more photos later, that's all I have in my camera.

byebye diyang & diyan! see you guys in april!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I am a Chinese

[ ] You like to eat chicken feet.
[ ] You sing karaoke.
[ ] You've worn glasses since you were in fifth grade.
[x] You'll haggle over something that is not negotiable.
[x] You are a math genius.
Total: 2

[ ] You take showers at night.
[x] You avoid the non-free snacks in
hotel rooms.
[x] You say "aiyah!" and "wah!" frequently. [who doesn't?]
[x] You save grocery bags.
[ ] You twirl your pen around your fingers. [I want to but I can't]
Total: 3

[x] You have been taught that wasting food is a sin.
[x] Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself. [I think he can fix everything too]
[ ] You beat eggs with chopsticks. [I used to, before i switched to a fork]
[ ] You like congee with thousand-year- old eggs.
[x] You have eaten moon cakes.
Total: 3

[x] If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask you if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.
[x] You email/msn your Chinese friends, even though you're only 10 feet apart.
[x] You can read traditional chinese
[x] Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin before they are thrown away.
[x] You know what pearl milk teas are. [double yes!]
Total: 5

[x] You bring fruits with you as a gift when you visit people's homes. [occasionally]
[ ] You have acquired a taste for bitter melon. [no way]
[ ] You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of food on the table. [I eat everything including the last piece, so how?]
[x] Your parents argue with other adults over the dinner bill.
[x] You love to use coupons.
Total: 3

Now add the numbers up and multiply it by 4.

I am only 64% Chinese?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Career

Okay, so the secret I've been hiding for 3 weeks will be revealed soon.

I have gained a hell lot of weight over the months. I am exploding out of my bottoms! I wanted to wear my black skirt today and it is so freaking tight. And then Cousin Catherine's wedding will be this weekend and I can imagine myself eat like a pig again.

That's not the secret I want to reveal. The above is probably the worst-kept secret.

Hmm..okay..I'll be joining Cathay Pacific after graduation as a permanent staff in Corporate Sales. Surprise! This move is a far cry from what my plans have always been - to obtain a reputable degree before work. I had contemplated this idea for a couple of days and discussed it with Chris Ng and my parents (bran is very pro-SQ). I thought, if an opportunity presents itself, I should just grab it. Of course my parents were not that keen at first, they would feel more at ease if I could pursue a degree first. Tourism will boom; with the recent KA acquisiton, CX will become an influential airline in time to come; many are approaching retirement age so there're chances for career advancement. Tell me, why shouldn't I grab this opportunity?

I had a chat with Stephen yesterday and like everyone else, he was concerned about my studies. Oh boy, he talked to me like a father, even he admitted it. Ben met James Barrington, Director of Sales and Marketing, and told him about me. And James' first reaction was also "Why didn't she go to a Uni!". Ben's wife, Evelyn, also had the same reaction and even chided Ben. heh heh.

I know I know! I eyeing the scholarship programme that CX has, but I'm afraid I can't reveal too much here. I will take up night classes while working. It's going to be hard for the first 3 years or so, but I will manage. I hope bran and I can survive the next few years too. Ah...I almost forgot, I still have to learn to drive.

I'm so sorry for keeping this from you guys - Weili, Chris Tan and Boon and the colleagues at CX who have already smelled some rat, but I had to keep it a mystery until it's confirmed. hee hee. And thank you very much Chris Ng, for your sound advice.

Bran and I were chatting about gifts.

bran: if i could afford it i'd buy anything for you dearie
me: really?
bran i want pyrotechnics (for my wedding)
bran: okay tung

Yay! everyone remember he made this promise ok?

I am so looking forward to the wedding on Saturday! Anyway, here's the map I drew using Word for diyang so he won't get lost. I volunteered to help my dad with it so he drew it on paper and I did it with Word. It is so darn hard to shift the lines around and make them curve nicely.

Lastly, Happy Birthday Wei Song!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Baby Bunnies

Bran's lop has given birth to at least 5 baby bunnies yesterday!

Bran called me in the evening last night and told me in a spooked voice that the 'girl' has given birth. I was so excited I went over to Bran's first thing in the morning. All the soft furry thing you see in the pictures are not cotton, but the mother's very own hair. She had yanked them out to create a nest for her babies. How noble.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Last day at CX

with "tiger" natasha and "wabbit" tung

nelly, natasha's sistergina, chris tan, myself and sam

me & michelle

life of the party, jessie goh. she kept "yau shiu"-ing during the photo-taking

Monday, January 15, 2007

bad bunny

For the past 2 weeks, we have allowed bunny to run freely at the roof terrace. There was a low fence preventing it from entering the house, although we all know bunny can easily hop over but bunny should get the message that it is not allowed inside. It seemed happy entertaining itself with the potted plants and fishes.

I was awoken by some scratching noises at around 4am. It came from the bottom right corner of my bed. So I rolled over and tried to take a look at the source of the noise, but there was nothing. I stretched out my arm to feel and there were scratch and bite marks on the leather bed frame! I turned around and I saw a round figure darting out of the door.

Die, bunny, die.
It had stepped into forbidden grounds and damaged the furniture.

I was too lazy to get up so I went back to bed.

I woke up slightly after 7 saw papa putting bunny back to the cage because bunny had also damaged the teak furniture and the protective cover of the wires.

So bunny is banished into the cage until we find a way to stop it from biting and scratching.

Weekend was spent cleaning the cages, online shopping, breakfast with bran, library visit and attending bran's concert.

I'm hungry as hell!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


my whole of today was spent doing....nothing

after returning home from school and bran's open house and discussing with my parents about the path i should take after graduation (oh! by the way, i can hardly wait for graduation), i was under the illusion that there was nothing to be done. i don't feel good about this..because now i realise i will have to do alot tomorrow.

i am very obsessed with online shopping again, just when i thought i have kicked the addiction

i promised bran that i'll go to the zoo / night safari / science centre / bangkok / have udon at liang court / eat beef noodles at far east sqaure / lose fats / refrain from scolding him / yadda yadda but seems like i'm really bad at keeping promises to him. anyway i'm so proud of myself for not scolding for the past few days, though i do nag quite a bit.

anyway i kept thinking that it was a wednesday on thursday and i was really puzzled why boon kiat kept asking "i thought you are having half a day off?" when i have replied "can't, the department will be understaffed" many times. i finally realized that it was thursday when my thursday was going to end. in short, i am one thursday short.

Friday, January 05, 2007

welcome 2007

where were you on new year's eve?

this year, instead of meeting up with bran to watch fireworks as we have done so for the past 5 years, i watched the fireworks with my mom from my house. were there fireworks at sentosa as well? I could hear and catch glimpses of it from the reflection on the windows of the apartment directly opposite mine. my brother was out as usual and my dad was working and i didn't want to leave my mom alone at home.

how could i have forgotten about bunnies in my previous entry!