Saturday, January 06, 2007


my whole of today was spent doing....nothing

after returning home from school and bran's open house and discussing with my parents about the path i should take after graduation (oh! by the way, i can hardly wait for graduation), i was under the illusion that there was nothing to be done. i don't feel good about this..because now i realise i will have to do alot tomorrow.

i am very obsessed with online shopping again, just when i thought i have kicked the addiction

i promised bran that i'll go to the zoo / night safari / science centre / bangkok / have udon at liang court / eat beef noodles at far east sqaure / lose fats / refrain from scolding him / yadda yadda but seems like i'm really bad at keeping promises to him. anyway i'm so proud of myself for not scolding for the past few days, though i do nag quite a bit.

anyway i kept thinking that it was a wednesday on thursday and i was really puzzled why boon kiat kept asking "i thought you are having half a day off?" when i have replied "can't, the department will be understaffed" many times. i finally realized that it was thursday when my thursday was going to end. in short, i am one thursday short.

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