Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am hungry

I am very hungry now.

I visited the dentist today and there's an annoying tingling feeling on my teeth now.

Many of you have not realised this until I mention it, but I am going to announce it anyway. There is actually a horrifyingly wide gap between 2 teeth on my upper jaw. Because the baby tooth is still there, and it's too small to fill up the gap.

I had an x-ray taken today, and it revealed that I am one adult tooth short. Oh gosh. And the dentist can't fill up the gap because the root of the baby tooth is so short, it's like only 0.5cm, and the tooth may break if she does anything to it. That means the root may be embedded in my gums and I will need surgery to remove it. Horrors of horrors! So she suggested I get bridging done BUT she can't do it now! Because the root of the tooth beside it is not fully grown so it is not strong enough. Then she said the word which I hate to hear the most, "Wait". So you guys will still be seeing my baby tooth, and the gap, for a few more years.

On a happier note, I got a new hammy today =). I have 12 hammies, now I have 13. I know that's quite alot but this hammy is so irresistible! It resembled the very first hammy I got more than 10 years ago. Its fur is in patches of white and brown and it's so freaking fat! It didn't struggle when I picked it up, and it went back to sleep immediately after I put it back into the cage. Totally unlike hamsters' nature who are supposed to be cautious with strangers. Momma has not realised the latest addition yet. heehee =)

Menu for Valentine's Day Dinner: Tung's Cold Cut Platter

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